Ankunft und Abflug

Hier erfahren Sie mehr über den Flugplan und den Status unserer Flüge. Wählen Sie einfach einen Abflug- und Ankunftsflughafen aus oder geben Sie eine Flugnummer an und klicken Sie auf „Los“.

We take people on Holiday!

  • Focus on customer-driven scheduling of flights on routes to popular high volume leisure destinations in the Mediterranean, Canary Islands and European Leisure Cities.
  • Full control and ownership of our aircraft seat supply.
  • Build and invest in strategic relationships with selected hoteliers, who align with our Jet2 brand values.
  • Retain and expand our loyal customer base, supported by our consistent Customer First approach.
  • Ensure our Colleagues are on hand at all touchpoints throughout the customer journey to ensure that each and every customer has a memorable holiday experience.
  • Continued investment in technology to deliver key strategic initiatives to ensure a seamless customer experience.
  • Carefully considered investment to ensure profit and cash flow growth is sustainable.
  • Ongoing capital investment to ensure we can continue our growth trajectory.
  • Recruit, develop and retain talented colleagues to deliver our award-winning customer service.
  • To achieve the targets as set out in our Sustainability Strategy
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    146 million

    flown customers

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    colleagues in summer 2024

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    UK tour operator

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    3rd largest

    UK airline

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